Aviatrix3D Licensing information This codebase contains a lot of code, licensed under a number of different licenses, dependent on the intended use. The text for each license may be found in the same directory as this file is located. Each directory is given relative to the root of the tree as checked out from CVS. GNU LGPL (LGPL.txt): All code under the /src directory All code under the /make directory All code under the /test directory Most of the pre-compiled libraries contained under /lib (need more specific detail on this) BSD (BSD.txt): All code under /examples All code under /bin Documents under /docs are not currently assigned a license, thus redistributable under standard copyright terms. Files in /contrib each have their own license. Please consult the source to find out in each specific case. This code makes reference to and includes a collection of prebuilt code from other j3d.org projects. Specifically the SWT OpenGL bindings. The source for that can be found at http://opengl.j3d.org/swt/ and is licensed under the BSD License. That in turn is derived from Sun's BSD licensed JSR 231 reference implementation.