OpenSource code collected by the site for use in various applications
that use Java3D.
The licensing here is using the GNU
LGPL. We wish you to use
this code and contribute back any changes you made to the community. This site
is, after all, driven by the community of Java3D hackers. Everything here is
volunteered, either through posts to the Java3D interest list or directly to
the site.
The code collection consists of a number of fundamental areas:
- Geometry
- Device Implementations
- User Interface components
Contributors would like to thank the following contributors for the code they've
add to the repository.
- Ryan Wilhm ( for donating the AC3D loader
- Institutt for energiteknikk
For the core of the navigation code.
- Bill Day For keeping some of the
original code from the Java 3D loader archive that started much of this
effort off.
- Dave Yazel and Will Holcomb for the
core of the overlay code.
- Paul Szawlowski of University Of Vienna,
Department of Medical Computer
Sciences for the Spaceball 3003/4000 input device implementation and
STL loader.
- Daniel Selman of Tornado Labs.
Particle system code.