Important info for Terrain Rendering demos Unlike most of the other examples, before you can run this code, you will need to do some preparation work. The terrain rendering code loads raw data from various file formats. In the current code, that is the BT file format from the VTerrain Project ( These are *big* files when uncompressed, so we keep them as compressed data in the repository. You will need to uncompress them before running the demo program, otherwise the demo will crash. When you uncompress them (in GZip format) leave them in this directory and run the application from this directory. The Crater example does not have a texture, so all you will see is a green-ish colour terrain. The alien surface does have a texture, but it is also twice the size of the crater example. At least on my standard setup here, it creates out of memory errors. That's not good and I'm working on doing some optimisations to prevent this. However, if you have a lot of memory to play with, try setting the minimum JVM heap size to 128MB and running it. Let me know if it works, because my laptop I'm developing this on croaks at having so much memory in use :( There's a bug in the code currently that prevents the top-down view on the right showing anything. I'm not sure what it is yet, but probably has something to do with the height not being set correctly and the viewpoint is "under" the terrain so there is nothing to see. Will look into that further. The TiledCullingDemo will require a JVM with 256M of memory so use the -Xmx256M option to run that demo. The numgrid.jpg.gz will need to be uncompressed before running. Justin Couch, Alan Hudson Oct '02