OpenSource code collected by the site for use in various applications that use Java3D.

The licensing here is using the GNU LGPL. We wish you to use this code and contribute back any changes you made to the community. This site is, after all, driven by the community of Java3D hackers. Everything here is volunteered, either through posts to the Java3D interest list or directly to the site.

The code collection consists of a number of fundamental areas:

In general the code tries to have two versions of each piece of functionality. A low-level implementation provides the basic abstraction and functionality and is not dependent on Java3D to function. A second, higher-level implementation then takes the basic code and provides Java3D-specific functionality. By doing this, it allows the majority of the codebase to be useful for more than just Java3D work. Standalone users or other rendering technologies can make use of most of the fundamental capabilities without needing to be dependent on Java3D.

Contributors would like to thank the following contributors for the code they've add to the repository.