SWT OpenGL Build and installation information This codebase comes from many different sets of codebases that are under varying stages of beta quality. It's fairly tricky to get to build and have the right dependencies in the correct place. Firstly, we use a modified version of Sun's JOGL reference implementation code. Many things have changed dues to incompatibilities between SWT and AWT, particularly on Mac OSX. If you'd like to build the JOGL code from source, it can also be found in the j3d.org CVS repository under the module name jogl_ri. Secondly, the SWT code uses the current beta release 3.2M7. This can be downloaded directly from http://www.eclipse.org/swt/ To run the code, you'll need to download the SWT code and install that in your environment (you may have it already if you're using Eclipse 3.2 builds). If you have the standard JOGL reference implementation code, you'll need to remove that and the DLLs from your classpath. Place the versions that come with this code in your classpath. If you don't remove the other versions, code will crash, guaranteed. They cannot co-exist in the same classpath. If you're on a Mac, most likely you'll lock the machine up. Once you have downloaded the archive for your platform, expand it out into your Eclipse plugins directory. You will see that it has created a new directory that has the platform-specific name on it. This sets up the Eclipse plugin struture you'll need to use this as a direct plugin to any other part of your Eclipse environment. If you're writing standalone SWT applications, then follow the same process but in whatever directory you chose. point your classpath at the JARs, and your path/library path environment variables at this place you've located the extracted files. To test the code, grab the examples and run. You should see some basic primitives just sitting in front of your screen. After this, everything is relatively trivial, using just the normal JOGL code. Justin Couch 6 June 2006