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    Stereo viewing

    1. Stereo Image Viewing

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    1. Stereo Image Viewing

    First, be aware that in the current release of Java 3D, stereo is only supported on Sun workstations. PCs with stereo hardware will be able to use stereo in the next release.

    You've probably called setStereoEnable() in your Canvas3D to turn on stereo, and nothing has happened. There's actually a bit more you'll have to do to set stereo up before you can make that method call.

    First, you'll need the right hardware: a pair of CrystalEyes glasses, and an emitter for a Sun workstation. There's a port on graphics card for the emitter to hook into. Once you've plugged it in, turn on the emitter.

    Depending on the graphics card you have (Creator3D or Elite 3D), you'll need to use either the ffbconfig or afbconfig command. Type this command at a shell prompt:

              afbconfig -prconf
    This will print out the current information about your graphics card. Look for a line that says Current resolution setting and write it down . You'll want that information after you've played around with the stereo settings.

    The next thing you'll need to do is kick your X server into stereo mode.

              afbconfig -res stereo
    and log out of your current session. The X server will reset, and you'll be in stereo mode. It's probably a lower resolution mode than you're already using, so don't be surprised about that.

    Now you're ready to run your program. Try:

            java -Dj3d.stereo=PREFERRED HelloUniverse
    You should see a double image until you put your glasses on. When the glasses and emitter sync up, you'll see the stereo image.

    To return to the resolution you were working at, use the ffbconfig/afbconfig -res option and use your previous screen resolution as the -res argument.

              afbconfig -res 1280
    You can see all screen resoluation modes available for your system by entering
              afbconfig -res \?

    The following information is how to set up stereo for use in your own programs:

    From Kevin Rushforth:

    In order for stereo to work, the application must create a Canvas3D with a stereo-capable GraphicsConfiguration. This can be done in two ways.

    1) By calling SimpleUniverse.getPreferredConfiguration

    An application that wants to use stereo, if requested by the user of the app, can call the getPreferredConfiguration method in SimpleUniverse. The resulting GraphicsConfiguration should be passed to the Canvas3D constructor. The getPreferredConfiguration method reads the j3d.stereo property to control whether a stereo visual is requested. The j3d.stereo property should be set to one of "UNNECESSARY" (the default), "PREFERRED", or "REQUIRED". For example:

            java -Dj3d.stereo=PREFERRED HelloUniverse
    All of our shipping examples in Java 3D 1.1.2 call getPreferredConfiguration.

    2) By calling getBestConfiguration with a GraphicsConfigTemplate3D that requests stereo

    An application that wants to enable the use of stereo should construct a GraphicsConfigTemplate3D and use some application-specific criteria to set the stereo flag to REQUIRED or PREFERRED as desired. For example:

            GraphicsConfigTemplate3D template = new GraphicsConfigTemplate3D();
            if (myApplicationWantsStereo)
            // Get the GraphicsConfiguration that best fits our needs.
            GraphicsConfiguration gcfg =
    The resulting GraphicsConfiguration should be passed to the Canvas3D constructor.

    Now when you call setStereoEnable(true) from your Canvas3D, you should get a stereo image. Calling setStereoEnable(false) will turn it back off again.

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